Originally posted by BoneCrusher:
wouldnt suprise me

though xterrapin had a little more flare and truth to his posts. THis guy is like arguing with a week old dead fish. No intelligence and all stink.

its too bad too, he's probably not a bad guy once you get him drunk. Now i just want to drug him and drop him off in the middle of hells kitchen.

oh and as for joining the party of the rich and aloof or whatever you called it. YUP I discovered long ago that most republicans were rich because they work for a living instead of letting the government pay their way.
Yup, this is true. I let the government pay my way. I let them buy me everything. Man, you know why I really can't stand your party? One, you do nothing but attack everyone else because you want to hide the truth about how much of crooks you guys really are. Second, the retardicants can't really control government and keep it within it's grounds. The fact that republicans want to spend all of the United States' money is just retarded. "No new taxes." Remember that? I love it. Let me give you some idea on how your party has fucked up this country. Do you remember back in the 90's, when the economy was great, how we had a DEMOCRAT in office? Then, Bush gets in office and boom, the country has gone to shit in a hand basket. Inflation is out of control and gas prices are sky high. I sure do like paying $3+/gallon for regular unleaded while the CEO's of corporations get a $400 million dollar retirement and Exxon mobile pulls in the biggest profit in their history but not just once but twice! Bush is a fucking moron to the core. "I'm just some redneck hick that calls out the terrorists and then I retract my statement because my fellow devils in office have told me not to be pulling this cowboy bullshit anymore." Dude, go ahead and cut me with your words, I'm here with the facts. The fact that you can't say shit about our great party is because you have nothing. You can only try to cut me down. My turn. The fact that you would like to, "get him drunk then drop him in hells kitchen.." What kind of stupid phrase is that? Why don't you jump off of a 50 story roof and land on your feet so your balls can finally drop. Why don't you say something raunchy? For example: I hope when eating out your boyfriends ass, you choke on his bloody, festering tampon when you try and slurp up the string because you're so stupid that you think it's a noodle. Fucking idiot.