Originally posted by RedX:
Interesting.....an acknowledged and deliberate attempt at polarization in the club.

Todrick....what an terrifically assinine statement.....especially from someone who should know what it is like to be in financially dire straits. Perhaps folks could not justify the spending of $20 for club membership at the time which it was being implemented. You could....BRAVO! That is actually an honorable thing given your appreciation of the site and it's impact upon your life.

I could not justify it at the time, and when I could, support memberships were no longer available. Does that make me a freeloading, leacherous shitbag? Perhaps, in your eyes, and the eyes of other "Supporting Members." But.....will I lose sleep because of it? No. If support membership does once again become an option, I will donate $20, simply for the fact that this club has probably saved me that much (in reality....more) in problem-related solutions for my X.

But also, keep in mind.....this club was initially started, I would assume, because of Ian's interest in the X, and an interest in building a community around its existence. And what a great community it has become.....great in size, not in attitudes or morale. XOC is now larger than Ian, you or any other "Supporting Member." It has developed into its own cynical, sarcastic, obstinate yet informative, compelling, often-humerous beast.

So, if Supporting Memberships do become available again (and please offer an option for payment methods other than PayPal.....I do not put credit card or debit card info on the web unless I absolutely have to), I will pay....just to express appreciation for this club.

But as long as you and the other "Supporting Members" can feel justified in creating havoc in the "virtual playground" and then stand off to the side and snicker about your accomplishment, you have succeeded in driving home that your hallowed, superior sub-sect holds power over us, simple minions.

Congrats....ass-face. [Finger]
A very good post RedX, but I think everyone needs to step back and remember how this post got started.

I have a feeling that Todrick is "stirring the pot" again.

If you are trying to start shit again Todrick, you may have stepped a little over the line. People usually don't find personal attacks all that funny.
"There must be a hell of a ballgame going on upstairs. God must have needed a No. 3 hitter, because he took Puck away from us way too soon."
-Kent Hrbek