Originally posted by Kerensky97:

That's the dumbest thing I've heard in my life, the only time people complain about power lines going up is when they have to level half a forest to run them through. The only thing that will anger more than ten college students is when big corporations want to run lines through a National Park or Wilderness Area.
Your response was one of the dumbest things I have ever read (besides a lot of the crap you wrote in your blog).

Since when has anyone wanted to clear half a forest or National Parks for high voltage power lines? If you actually took some time to pay attention, the existing power lines have for years been prevented from any type of upgrade. Environmental lobbies are amongst some of the most powerful and well funded political lobbies in America. Is this a fact you have ignored? People of your persuasion always blame things on the "evil" and "greedy" corporations.

There is an Energy Bill that has been sitting in committee in the Senate. This bill would require strict standards for the transmission grids. Who is stalling it? Democrats. Who is beholden to the environmental whackos? Democrats. This may not be the best bill written to solve our countries energy crisis, but the Democrats have absolutely no solutions either... other than the bullshit spewed by the tree huggers.

The Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant in my area is under constant attack from the environmental whackos. They want to close it. Where will we get the power lost if this plant closes? The tree huggers have no answer and don't care. Who is in their pocket? All the sick leftist Democrats in my area including Hillary Clinton. She has been running radio commercials supporting it's closing almost non-stop for the last two months. The commercials stopped running Thursday evening. I'm sure even you can figure out why. Plus it's funny that after she pulled the ads, she was out on Thursday night blaming Bush for the Blackout.

The Shoreham Nuclear Power Plant on Long Island was built and never allowed to come online. Why is that? Environmentalist whackos and NIMBY liberals. A very liberal Democratic governor ordered it closed. A plant that could supply power for hundreds of thousands of New York homes is just sitting there and rusting. This story is not unique to NY. It is going on all over the country because lefty environmentalists are all over the place.

It's hard to believe you are or ever were a soldier. After reading your blog I keep wondering why someone who has been so indocrinated by their lefty college professors would even consider the military (the perks of course). Your blog is loaded with typical anti-American leftist innuendos. You seem to have alot of disgust for your own country that go even far beyond the Iraq situation. I'm glad most soldiers are not like you.

After reading the blog, it does not surprise me one bit that you would never even see the problems caused by the environmental control freaks. I'm sure you are one of them.