Originally posted by steelX:
and since your so much into definitions here are 2 more for you:

Main Entry: 1jeep
Pronunciation: 'jEp
Function: noun
Etymology: probably from g. p. (abbreviation of general purpose)
: a small general-purpose motor vehicle with 80-inch wheelbase, 1/4-ton capacity, and four-wheel drive used by the U.S. army in World War II; also : a similar but larger and more powerful U.S. army vehicle.

Main Entry: sport-util·i·ty vehicle
Pronunciation: 'spOrt-yü-'ti-l&-tE-, 'sport-
Function: noun
: a rugged automotive vehicle similar to a station wagon but built on a light-truck chassis.

Yo Clueless!

We're not talking about the Jeep as an Army vehicle. We're talking about a civilian vehicle; so find an appropriate definition. Since you can't seem to put 2 and 2 together, I did a little research for you:


And here are some examples of actual usage:


In fact, to be completely honest, I couldn't find a single automotive related website that didn't say the Wrangler is either a "small" or "compact" SUV. I don't know where you got the idea that the Wrangler is not an SUV, but all of the automotive sites on the internet disagree with you.

Bottom line: Jeff either can't figure out his terminology, or he's got a severe case of alzheimer's. He made 2 completely opposite claims in the same post. Trying to help him out by making more bogus claims does not add anything of value to this discussion.
