Originally posted by xoc:
Man you guys are ruthless these days... [Huh?]
No shit, it seems like it is a capital offense to say anything negative about an Xterra around here. Some of you really need to get a grip.

I like my X, but I am not getting another one after I am done with this one. It no longer fits what I need. Since we bought the X, we have purchased a boat, and I would like to have a tad bit more power for towing it around. I also am finding I need the utility of a pick-up bed more than I need an enclosed cargo area.

It is just a truck, nothing more, nothing less. Some of you seem to consider it the second coming or something. The X is not some higher being that needs to be exalted, it is meant to be driven and then parked in the garage when you are done.
"There must be a hell of a ballgame going on upstairs. God must have needed a No. 3 hitter, because he took Puck away from us way too soon."
-Kent Hrbek