Originally posted by datz510:
I've been watching this thread and just shaking my head in disbelief. The kid has to start somewhere.. Its his truck, and he can do what he wants to it. It may not be pretty, but it sure looks like it works for his needs. I think its great, really.. thats how I started fabricating things...
Im sure his mom is real proud of what Dumpy Jr. did to his truck too. It may be his humble beginnings but the reaction it recieved can not be that unexpected.

Perhaps had he not had a history of doing stupid things (120psi in the coolant, cutting wear tabs on brakes, saying it is cool to overload the towing cap on a truck etc.) then this would not even be an issue.

This kid is like so many that go on American Idol thinking they are the shit and then get knocked down by people because they suck. Then they get all upset because they still do not know how much they suck.

Being a kid and doing stupid things is one thing.. Going on the internet and trying to pass off those things as wisdom is another.
nom nom nom