Originally posted by spalind:
you all have been brought up thinking that somehow other peoples lives are worth just as much as an Americans life...its just not true...to save an Americans life I'd nuke Iraq, Iran and whoever else, then I'd have a big dinner and a nice long nap and not think twice....I can see all the incredulous faces and anger building up in you all now...but thats when you are sitting here all comfy at home...Talk to me when the bombs start going off here or the first smallpox attack in San Fran....How much ya wanna bet you'll be calling for the president to turn the entire middle east into a wastteland?? Personally I think getting rid of all the radical Muslims now is preferable to having them come here and kill us later...
Just because you were born in the U.S., your life is worth more than anyone else's on the planet?

No wonder everyone else in the world thinks American's are a bunch of arrogant pricks.

You think that nuking the middle east is going to stop terroists from attacking us?
To quote the esteemed Dr. Fraiser Crane "What color is the sky in your world?"
"There must be a hell of a ballgame going on upstairs. God must have needed a No. 3 hitter, because he took Puck away from us way too soon."
-Kent Hrbek