Originally posted by Andre the Giant:
WHAT THE FUCK IS SO COMPLEX ABOUT THE "Gay rights" ISSUE!?? Gays should have the same rights as the rest of us. And they do . . . .

Other problems come from the fact that gays cannot marry in many states. There are a variety of reasons why this makes perfect sense. Marriage can change your tax bracket, people (straight or gay) could "marry" to work the system and gain access to each other's social security benefits, medical benefits. There is a much greater chance of fraud.
On the one hand you say gays should have the same rights as everyone else, yet on the other you admit that they should not have the same rights that married couples have.

You agree that being married affords benefits to a couple. You allude to a possibility of fraud. Yet even though there is a possibility that hetero couples can commit fraud (anyone ever know someone who got married in an attempt to get a green-card? No, that never happens . . . ), no one can tell a hetero couple they cannot be married (except in rare cases where bloodlines are suspect, or age is a factor) . . .
Yet you think gay couples should be denied the "privilege" of marriage because there's a chance someone might commit fraud.

I got news for you: Heterosexuals defraud the government and its social assistance programs on a daily basis. I guarantee there will be unscrupulous gay couples working the system, too.

But not nearly as many as y'all fear . . .
Does anybody remember laughter?