Some of these responses are funny....

Anyone who thinks gay is genetic is without a doubt an idiot. What about deviants who have sex with animals? Is that genetic? Is pedophilia genetic? How about crime bosses? Is genetics responsible for their behavior?

It sounds like too many people here subscribe to the liberal philosophy that no one is responsible for their behavior. Of course it's not genetic. There are plenty of stories about people who have given it up got married and led NORMAL lives. Just like alcoholics, drug addicts. Some say that is genetic. Why is it people can give it up then? Its just more bullshit on the pile. Another excuse. No one is responsible for their behavior anymore I guess.

Environment can be just as responsible for gays. There are studies that show children who grow up in gay households have a much higher proclivity for being gay. More so then the population at large. Yeah I know, all the libs have their phony studies that say that is not true. Well it is true.

Years ago when I was on the PD I pulled a detail to work some Pervert Pride Day or Deviant Day Parade or something like that in Greenwich Village.

I have never seen such a public showing of perversity and deviance in my entire life. Anyone who saw this spectacle would never want to give these perverts a damn thing. Deviants dressed in thongs dancing around and on floats. Perverts half naked dressed like Carmen Miranda. The most disgusting spectacle of perversity. I wanted to shoot half of them.

These are people most of you want to give special rights to? I think a lot of you are ill informed or have never seen these deviants in their element.