Roger I would love to go but im still stuck up in Lubbock for summer school 2. I should be in San Antonio on August9th or so and if anything is going on around then let me know. I would always be up for a ride! Oh did you ever get those fenders put on that I sold you Roger? Hope they were up to par.

And Cygnus-X1,
If you go to your profile and click on the "Recent Post" button you will see that the majority of your post havnt been related to the X latly either. Most of them have been in the ALR or Club House, or about hunting and fishing but im not going to ask you to leave or tell you to go to another board to talk about it. You have friends here, similar interest with other's here, and you come here because you find it enjoyable to chat with others about it all. Well guess what, we are no different other than you currently own an X, so before you ask me to leave ask yourself if you should. [Finger]
"From this day forward September 27th, 2002 all post are dedicated to Ian himself"