I consider myself a Republican and a conservative (yea, same thing, but not to be confused with a Conservative Democrat, Moderate Republican, etc.). I am for capital punishment and extremely Pro-Life, and there's nothing anyone could say to change my mind (at least regarding the Pro-Life part). I'm also not wanting to get into an abortion debate, because people either agree or disagree, and nothing is solved by everyone getting on here and bitching.
Although I am Pro-Life, I agree that the man that killed the abortion doctor should get the death penalty. He commited a horrible crime, and should face the ultimate consequence. Granted, what the doctor did makes me sick, and I think he will probably suffer an eternity in hell for it (remember, just my opinion, don't get pissed), but that doesn't give someone else the right to kill him. The doctor will receive judgement of his own, as will the man that killed him. I just hope they both enjoy the heat!
Let God Drive.