Originally posted by porsche996:
I'm against gay marraige. I'm for Civil Unions. Why? Marraige is a religious ceremony, that happens to be afforded certain rights and priveledges under law. I believe in seperation of church and state. I don't see why the same rights and priveledges can't be granted to gay couples. Marraige is religious. Civil Unions aren't. That gets around the whole "belief" issue, and makes it a law/rights issue.
Sounds like that "separate but equal" crap to me.

I see it as a very simple issue, completely unrelated to religion. The government recognizes an agreement between two consenting adults and confers a set of rights and responsibilities on that couple. An atheist couple can be join that institution free of any religious connotations. Why can't a same-sex couple?

It's a clear equal protection violation.