I decided to tag along with a local club here in the San Diego area called Just Runs. (No Meetings, No Politics, No Dues...Just Runs!!) I have to give credit to everyone else in the club for these photos.
As we group up to head off into Lower Coyote Canyon.

This is next to one of the 3 "water crossings" we encountered. There was a lot of stopping and waiting for the other vehicles.

These two shots were snapped as we made our way up Boulder Alley. Everybody made it up with no problems. A guy with a bone stock Tundra had to take it nice and slow but he did eventually make it.

Squeezing by the last obstacle this is was the tightest spot for the Tundra. As we reached the summit we came across a group of 25 H2's. It was quite a sight to behold... To actually see somebody wheeling the Hummer.

I had quite a few folks admiring the Shrockworks bumper and in just in plain awe of what the Xterra could do.