Right off the bat, I'll telll you I didn't do a search because I'll be damned if I know what the piece is even called. So, Brent, (or anyone else) if you know what I'm talking about and this has been covered before, I'll take the whoopin, no complaints.

I noticed this morning when I got into work that the metal collar that hugs the center of the wheel, inside the lugs, is missing on the right front wheel. Y'know where it says Automatic right in the center of the wheel? And then there's the piece that sits around that (which is what I'm missing), then the lugs then the spokes, etc. It looks terrible, first of all, but I'm trying to figure out:

a) how on earth it could've come off, and
b) where I can get another one

I don't want to run over to the dealer and drop $50 on a new collar, but it's irritating to know it's not there, too.

I'm wondering if it was removed when the dealer did my 30k work and brake job, and just not replaced? I can't imagine anyone prying it off for any other reason, and it never seemed loose when I washed the truck.

Perplexed. I'm just plain perplexed.

See the piece in the center of the back wheel that juts out? That's what I'm talking about.