Teabag, please give a description of your Xterra, house, other cars, clothing, income, education, intelligence, or anything else that may provide us with some insight. I will guarantee you that between the rest of us plenty of people have nicer and better quality sh** than you do.

But, I also guarantee that if you weren't such an asshole to everyone, you could post something about yourself and you wouldn't get ridiculed.

Try this. If you don't like someone else's equipment, modification, car, etc. then don't reply to that thread. Do us all a favor and shut up. I can't believe that you are still with us, but as long as you are, grow up and for God's sake "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all."

I suppose you failed out of Kindergarten before you got to learn that one, huh?

Eric Miller
University of Chicago
Also from southwest MO.
Eric Miller
University of Chicago and MO.
2001 Silver Ice SE