A convenient place to get unswitched power on a 2000 X is at the power socket relay. This relay is light blue and can be found just above where the parking brake shaft enters the dash. Tap off of the red/white striped wire right at the relay socket. An insulation displacement connector like Radio Shack #64-3052 will work. That red/white wire is fused for 20 amps. The fuse is in the relay box just behind the battery.

As far as the relay goes, no problem. Just send your shipping address to electroken@aol.com and I'll send you a relay. If it does what you want it to do send me $8.

So far this honor system thing has worked pretty well. Is it because:
a) Xterra owners are just swell people?
b) Getting a global reputation for being a scumbag is undesirable?

Must be a)...
