
Wow thanks for the feedback. After reading your post I went to check it out. This is what I jotted down.
It's definitely aftermarket because I got it installed after I got the car at some kids house. I asked him to install a motion sensor. I remember when buying it, he said the sensor was underneath/near my stick shift.
Sure enough when I followed the brain, it went to another box that said Shock Sensor on it.
The wires that went from the brain to the shock sensor box were: red/green/blue/black.
It went to some sort of white connection, I dont know how many pins since I didnt pull it out.
But that same connection also looked like it was going to my stick shift where the sensor probably was residing in.
Also, between the shock sensor box and the brain box, I saw 2 fuses, Orange and Blue.
The model number of the Prestige alarm is:

I know that was a mouthful, but I hope I described the setup enough??
Basically, I just want to disable the shock/motion sensor part as it goes off WAY too many times. I tried turning the knob on the shock sensor box counterclockwise but it was still sensitive.

Will pulling that little white connector resolve this issue? Since I dont know anything about alarms, will this trigger anything in the brain that will cause it to have to be reprogrammed again?

Thanks again for any help!
