I'm all for forming a chicago Xterra owners group.
There are alot of ideas to share but at this time I will keep them to myself until I get my thoughts collected and structured. Personally I'm tired of trying to build relationships with other clubs inorder to go wheeling these other clubs are vehicle specific. By the way they don't drive xterra's! The chicago land rover club just had a run up to Lake Geneva this weekend I posted on their board to find out if we would be welcome, I'm still waiting for a reply. Firewalkers4x4 club was great to us when we went on the 28th of February but they are jeep specific. However they were nice enough to stay in touch and let me know of future runs they are making and I am welcome to meet them there. I WANT A CLUB OF MY OWN!

Here is the deal you want to meet in Schaumburg pick a night. Pick a spot. I want monthly meetings. I want How to events. I want to go wheeling. I don't want to just sit at a bar and drink beer with a bunch of people that have a truck just like mine sitting in the parking lot. I want a family type enviroment. I want sponsors/dealerships to back what we do. I want a website so that we can attract more people so we can organize more events, get discounts at 4x4 shops I could go on and on. Anyhow Maggiano's has a set of banquet rooms upstairs with a bar this might be a good place to meet, or anyplace else that we can have a group meeting and everyone can hear one another. If it comes down to it we could meet at my studio in Libertyville and order pizza. I don't care but lets get this thing going! We all bitch about not having a club lets get off our dead you know whats and do this thing!