Close1, glad you're going to make it. We've got four X's so far. If things work out for Tim, we'll be ready to take the woods in force.

Mmmmmm, homebrew. My friends stay away from mine since I gave them some 12% barley wine I'd made. When you smell the bottle, you swear you smell scotch. I think I still have a bottle or two stowed away somewhere, just in case I needed to strip wax off of floors, or oil stains off of driveways. laugh

Got my X back last night, found it pissing coolant, brought it in this morning, found hose clamp still pushed up the hose. Oh well, those things can happen. Don, the mechanic (fellow X owner) mentioned McCaslin Mountain in Lakewood, WI. I guess it's an off-road park with an adjacent campground. He's going to get the brochure for me and leave it in the vehicle when I bring my X in for the ABS sensor recall. We ought to schedule a trip up there for August.