Originally posted by xoc:

I also said they would be answered within a few days, it had been 10 when Matt bumped it.

I hadn't seen the thread until then, and when I noticed it was the same bullshit thread about the damaged bumper, I decided it was in everyone's best interest that I reply to it.

If someone were posting misleading information, repeatedly, about Fabritron, you would do the same thing.

It is not about misleading info that I posted about Fabritron in the first place. I told you privately that Fabritron (Tom Fritts) is not computer savy and therefore would NEVER check this fourm (nor does he have the time) Still you did not allow me to respond to the quetion. I found that unfair then when you come on here and answer for Calmini (which we all know does visit this fourm)

And as far as Calmini not answering the question in a public fourm before the "few days" then I think that he should have contacted them privately and deleted this thread.

But hey.. that is just me.

BTW.. I am working on getting you that .mpeg of your trip up "The Wall"
Southwestern Xterra Club