I haven't said thank you to everyone,

Thank You.

I enjoy the activities of EJS, but also find that there was a big push to keep ahead of other vehicles. I felt the same way when riding a bike on the Slick-Rock trail years ago. I am not in a race to finish, yet much of the people there during EJS are trying to get in a couple trails per day, so they are pushing. I am not interested in pushing this hard.

This year there was more breakage than I have seen in the past. Are we pushing our limits, or is it wear and tear manifesting itself. I am not sure, but we broke a number of different parts.

Many people faced demons-I dislike climbing off-camber slopes, and as a result hit the throttle out of the fear of something. Some elected not to try certain obstacles, some of us tried things and succeeded. I'll admit things were not always pretty, but I do not think that I was the only one who had damage, so I'm not too worried.

In terms of smaller groups, this was discussed during the week. Too often EVERYONE parks there truck to go back and watch others, once the last person is over the obstacle, it would take 5 minutes to get going. This was my complaint on the trail, the front did not get going soon enough and the tail was forced also to wait. We had waiting at both ends of the line over the course of the week. It is inevitible.

We need to look at the SLINKY model while on trails. If the front pulls away, we shouldn't worry too much because the tail catches up on the next obstacle. If over a couple obstacles, the tail is not catching up, we should consider breaking the group in two. Some people are for the first time ever getting to view new and different places. Taking pictures, capturing some video, or even walking off the trail to see some incredible view. Wednesday was a long day, everyone got home somehow, did we break a record? No, but we did not leave anyone behind. Were there other vehicles off the trail after us, Yes.

I don't think spotting is a problem. Some people are more able to know where there vehicle is located. Remember some are not natural athletes, and sometimes trip over our own feet.

Just my thoughts on what overall was a great event, great week, and another great chance to meet friends and new people.

First Xterra IFS or SAS up Moab Rim...#2 up Mt. Blanca.
African Adventure pictures....