OK, it's explicit, but it's not OBVIOUS. I mean, even though it's in RED it's still buried in a link that not many people visit.

No matter anyway. Either continue to rudely welcome a newbie who may have not realized that thousands of topics have "already been beaten to death" and flame him for it, or do something more polite. Like I said, instead of fanning the flames, let the mod delete the post and PM a "polite" canned message about HOW to use the search feature in an efficient manner, not just to USE the search feature.

Just because you've learned how to comb the 'net and ebay for "choice morsels of info" doesn't mean that everyone does.

When your wife or kids ask you a question (which you clearly know the answer to, what do you tell them?
"That question has been asked of me before, you troll! There's the computer, go look it up on google and do a search!"

(Didn't think so.) :rolleyes:
4x4 in uppercase is $X$!!!
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