i live in a new house here (the LV) and you are most likely gonna get a standard 7 ft garage. Now, i have seen some older houses that have a bigger garage but they are nicer and bigger houses.

a lot of older houses i have seen, seem to have kinda smaller ones (especially some of the duplexes)

Now, i was in the military and considering the housing market out here (R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S!!!)and i could probably safely assume that you won't be buying one of the nicer/bigger ones. and the apartment garages are pitiful. so i wouldn't get too crazy till you move out here.

the sun and heat are freakin brutal out here in august. but, i am sure you will be getting up before it is a problem. it is wether or not it is covered at work that is a problem. tint makes a HUGE difference on the solar heating, not just the air.

as for an example of the housing market. i am in a 988 sq ft brand new house. it is basically a 2 bedroom appt w/ a full 2 car garage, but i don't share walls w/ anyone. i have no yard. let me repeat that, NO YARD. aside from the fact that no new houses can have grass in the front, my driveway is so short, the back is in the street and the front is in the garage.....and i have had a tent bigger than the back yard......!

wanna guess a price...


no shizzle

so i rent it for 900/m. not too bad

i know a few realtors that i can hook you up with.

and there is TONS of off roading to do, be nice to have someone to go with.