Hey, Salsa..why do hate using AutoCad
I'm an architect, and have been using autocad since 9th grade, Autocad 10.
I didnt realize how much Autodesk products corrupt your thinking until I tried another program.
Archicad is a great program, Vectorworks was a good program, and better than both was Rev-it (squashed by autodesk)..

Just because Autocad is the industry standard doesnt make it the best or ideal program for my profession.
I have been using Architectural Desktop 3.3, 2004 and 2005 for my job and I have found severe limitations and bugs that frustrate employers and employees.
It just seems like even if you know other programs (archicad, Rev-it)as an employee, you are stuck using Autocad because the majority of offices use Autocad..
Im just a little bitter. laugh
LOL.. I hope this X-cad thing works out, I've been looking for new programs to play with.
http://www.picturetrail.com/O1SalsaX <-----UPDATED 8/2/06

I got "IT" from ebay.
Now it burns when I pee..