Wow.... I used AutoCAD starting with release 9 - the good 'ol days of '286s and copying the overlay files to RAM disks for speed.

Anyway, when using other programs like Visio, I still find myself pining for extend and trim. Zoom Extents.... I had a lot of fun with AtuoCAD, and AutoLISP as well - that was the truly great thing about AutoCAD - you could extend it in any way you want to. We had one of our engineers that was a genius in AutoLISP - everything was automated. I came back around 2000 to visit and he had written an AutoLISP routine that would take a 3D Mesh, and a polyline representing the centerline for a road, and a whole bunch of parameters that you set and create a road bed, with the appropriate cuts to get the proper elevation - would even tell you how much fill you would generate or require - cool stuff! I think he's retired now...
Murderous Fire!