I really love these forums because they've been so helpful, I am a Jeep Wrangler YJ owner as well, and I didn't think there were as many hardcore fans of Xterras as well, So thanks for everyone's input on all subjects here. I'm still looking into the fog light situation for my X, if there IS anyone who is upgrading their OR or SE's front bumper and don't need their fog light units, shoot me an email or post, I'd be happy to help you relieve yourself of them for slightly less than dealer cost, I want a stock look, but the price is a bit steep, I'm looking into getting the factory stalk switch and figuring a way to rig up the wiring from an aftermarket set of lights with the preinstalled wiring. My big concern is fit, and what goes into the bumpers and mounts up without hacking away at the bumper. ANyone have suggestions as to what fits cleanly?