When I bought my X gas prices under $2 per gallon. If I had known things would get this bad I would have never have bought it. I compensate by driving less and only when necessary. My 2005 X only has 7600 miles on it. In fact, I will soon be putting it on the market.

Sorry to sound so self-righteous, but:

I can't understand why the demand for SUVs is still so high. With gas prices the way they are and how badly things are going in Iraq, not to mention all this talk about attacking Iran, I wonder why I'm still seeing all these SUVs on the road (including X's) with new dealer plates on them. When the attack on Iran comes, expect prices to shoot up to at least $6-7 per gallon. All indications show an (unprovoked) attack on Iran is inevitable.

Even without another war, more SUVs on the road raises the demand for gas even more, and therefore makes gas prices go up even higher. Its a vicious cycle.

Are American consumers just mindless, self-centered idiots or what? Are we capable of paying attention to anything beyond our own little bubble? I don't like to advocate violence, but sometimes I feel that people who are still buying SUVs or any gas-guzzling vehicle at this time should be kicked upside the head and get some badly needed sense knocked into them.

*end of rant*