Originally posted by DocNo:
Originally posted by porsche996:
[b]I may end up getting one. Simply because I use my cell phone for two things; phone, and music player.
Yup! And with Apple's fanatical attention to detail, hopefully they will get it right. I love visual voicemail. I hate normal voicemail systems, and I can't believe it took someone until 2007 to come up with the idea to use the screen to navigate voicemail!

No wonder all the current smartphone users are freaking out that the battery isn't removable in the iPhone - they have been conditioned to see it as a critical feature for the use of their phone [Too much XOC]

I'm not getting one right away - the first iPod was a dud as far as I was concerned. But if they are released for a while and don't seem to have any critical flaws, I can't wait to dump my current piece of shit and get something that is hopefully faster and more reliable.[/b]
Great points. I forgot about the visual voicemail. That's a huge step forward. I swear Verizon has their V/M system tricked up so that it takes forever to toggle through all the messages (more chewed up minutes equals more $$). It takes a minute on the nose to listen to and delete one V/M. That's no accident since a one minute one second call gets billed as two minutes.

As for Windows Mobile, I've had mine freeze up on occasion. It's an inconvenience to soft restart or pull the battery out, but 99% of the time it's just that, an inconvenience. Hopefully Apple will raise the user interface bar so high that all the other cell phone manufacturers will take notice and drastically improve something that hasn't really moved in a positive direction in a few years.

The iPhone will offer some new things right off the bat, I just don't think it warrants $600 plus a two year commitment to a crappy network.