One more thing against Microdrives, they don't like cold weather. Last year's Winter Camp at Big Bend it didn't get all that cold (night time lows in the lower 30's), but the microdrive wouldn't work in the mornings until they got warmed up (tent camping so no place to keep the camera warm overnight). The camera would just shutoff after the taking the picture when it was trying to write out the data to the microdrive. The CF cards didn't have any problems with those temperatures, and they weren't even the Sandisk Extreme's. I still have the microdrive, but only use it in warm temperature's, and only when I fill up the 4GB CF card. Looking for another 4 or 8GB at a good price but so far Fry's only been running ad's for the 2GB cards. This should change since Christmas is coming up, there should be some good sales on the larger CF cards, there have been the last couple of years.
Carrollton RACES/ARES #4007/A07