This was destined to happen. The NY Times has turned on their favorite "maverick".

The only one who seems to be in shock is the idiot John McCain. He spends years fucking over his own party and in many instances fucking over the best interests of his country just to curry favor with these assholes at the NY Times and like a true moron he is shocked when they turn on him.

They published a story insinuating that he had an affair years ago with a lobbyist and made allegations that McCain is less than ethical when it comes to doing favors.

It's a National Enquirer type story with no real sources and extremely thin allegations.

NY Slimes article.....

It couldn't happen to a nicer guy. eek


More about the NY Times article here....

It hasn't been that long since the NY Times endorsed McCain. They had this in the works the whole time and still endorsed him.