Originally posted by jorge:


"I am amused about this notion of elitist, given that when you're raised by a single mom, when you were on food stamps for a while when you were growing up, you went to school on scholarship," he told a town hall meeting of U.S. military veterans in western Pennsylvania.
"We lived for the first 13 years of our marriage up until three years ago in a three-bedroom condo without a garage so if you live in Chicago that means you're scraping ice every morning," he said in rejecting the elitist label.
You're not doing a very good job at spinning for B. Hussein Obama.

As I said, Obama's elitism has nothing to do with his yearly income. It's his state of mind. It's the corrupt and perverted leftist intelligencia state of mind and outlook that generates disdain and contempt for the average American and middle America.

That state of mind often holds a contempt for the country itself. That is Barack Hussein Obama. His bitch wife too.

Obama is a socialist. At least as far socialist as you can be in the current system. A system he would like to "change".

The only reason Obama has had ANY success so far is for one simple reason.... HE IS BLACK. If he was white, he would have been gone from the race long ago after the first or second primary.

Liberal Senator Joe Leiberman on Obama.... "I’d hesitate to say he’s a Marxist, but he’s got some positions that are far to the left of me and I think mainstream America."

Billioniare black businessman Bob Johnson on Obama...."Geraldine Ferraro said it right. The problem is, Geraldine Ferraro is white. This campaign has such a hair-trigger on anything racial ... it is almost impossible for anybody to say anything."