Originally posted by Desert_Rat:
Thanks for the one truck rating, rollover boy.
Would it even matter if I did give you a 1 truck rating? I have nothing against you, you are welcome to your own views, it's nothing personal. Honestly I'm not even sure why I would give you a 1 truck rating? Don't believe me? Any mod is welcome to check.

Now, what kind of rating did you give me?

I thought those were supposed to rate helpfulness in actual truck related threads and not be based on someone having a temper tantrum in the clubhouse over a political thread. For that matter, you don't even have an X anymore. You're still here why?
Never had a tantrum, I even thanked Madman for being so civil. I honestly like to read the posts, I do all the time, though I barely have anything to contribute. I also try to avoid these political issues, but sometimes it's just people like you making false remarks, and sometimes I give in and have to post. Guilty pleasure, I figure why the clubhouse even exists.

You're also a naive little shit. If you read anything but pro liberal drivel, you'd know this term..
Ahh, sure, that helps your point so much. Seriously, calm down, you're the one with the tantrum.

Go crawl back in the Jersey landfill from which you surfaced.
What, we're in 8th grade now, that's the attitude you're giving off.
-Jorge (pronounced hor-hey)

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Homer, I see your daughter is one of those wave-kissing, Dukakis-hugging moon maidens.