Originally posted by Graham:
Do you think, if someone broke in with a knife, that you'd follow them out the door, down the street, through the neighborhood, then shoot them with a shotgun?
Shoot them? No... follow them out the door, down the street, through the neighborhood? Hell yes! Fire over their heads and tell them to stop or I'll shoot? You betcha. Continue persuit till someone sees us and calls the cops, or till they see the shotgun and slow down? Yep.

I have a 7lb Yorkie (Samson), a 50lb mutt my wife rescued (Daisy), and a 110 Redbone Coonhound (Flash) that was SUPPOSED to be a hunting dog. The first time we went out for a lesson I thought I'd lost him in the woods till I found him sleeping under a shade tree... Jed Clampet's dog is his hero. He *HATES* people at the door though.
kjw &

The liver is evil, and must be punished...