So people are upset that the Rabbi doesn't have links to Christmas stuff...on his Jewish organization's website.

Are you equally upset that your local church doesn't have Channuka decorations up?

Let's keep in mind that airports have been hotspots for religous people to spread the word of their religion(think of the scene in the movie Airplane! where Ted Striker runs past various religous people peddling their religion, and even punches one of them out).

It's not like the Rabbi asked for a Menorah to be placed on another religous site.
The Rabbi asked for a menorah to be placed in a public area of an airport where one religious holiday symbol existed. He wasn't targeting a religous organization, it is an airport.
I don't ever remember flying into the Sacred Heart of Christ International Airport.

shame on the airport for failing to take into account other religous beliefs before setting up their display.
In the spirit of fairness, you shouldn't ignore other religious beliefs just because they don't happen to be your own.

How would you like it if your town hall put up a large menorah and not a Christmas tree? How would you like it if everyone wished everyone else Happy Channuka?

I have no problem with someone wishing me a Merry Christmas, but I have often wondered why people who may nor know me at all would just assume I share the same religous belief that they have.
I'm just trying to put my tires on the rocks of life.