I have no agenda it simply illustrates a point that americans are very turned off by the suffering of others but seem to suddenly care when it happens here. 150 vs 33....last time I checked they are all humans as are the 400k in Sudan. Is one life worth more than another simply because they happen to be an american??? Or does that person suddenly take a step down the humanity scale???? Im not pissed at you for your "own turf" comment and actually I apologize for the crude comment but the facts can not be ignored. There is a reason the US is seen as a negative influence in many parts of the world. Yes this is the greatest nation on earth and I am proud to be a soldier for that nation. However, with that status comes an awesome responsibility to stand up for those who cant not just the ones with the most oil.

Somalia 1993 thousands are dead and dying because warlords are controlling food shipments. 19 Americans are killed trying to capture key faction leaders. I can guarantee you that the comrades of those killed are more upset that they were removed from the theater than if they had been allowed to stay and finish their mission.

Americans perpetually have their heads burried in the sand. "As long as it doesnt happen to me" theory abounds in this nation. I suggest you re-read my quote from Martin Niemoller and then you might understand why I am so upset with all this sentiment.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrannts."

Thomas Jefferson