It's completely wrong. The government should stay the hell away.

It's another example of government coming in, meddling with things they shouldn't be involved, and also helping the completely irresponsible. When government steps in to help the irresponsible among us, everyone else winds up paying a price eventually.

I saw a fluff piece on the news last night about a guy who bought a home with a sub-prime mortgage. He was a member of a minority group, so he was of course portrayed as a victim. He bought his home with no down payment. His credit really wasn't good to begin with. He never read any of his mortgage agreement with his lender, and he didn't bother to hire a lawyer for the process of purchasing his property. [Freak] Now all of a sudden he is a victim.

He should have been portrayed as a moron and an irresponsible asshole. Instead, he is a victim worthy of government help.