Originally posted by Shahram:

As far as ignoring UN resolutions, well, we've had that precedent set already. After this clusterfuck in Iraq is all said and done, UN resolutions won't quite hold the weight they once did. And frankly, we need a President who will make nicey-nice with Iran, because they are so fucking close to a counter-revolution it's not even funny, and when the regime goes down, we're gonna need lots of friends there. Is Obama the candidate that can walk that tightrope? Fuck no. We're gonna need a lot more than a career suck-up to fix the situation with Iran. Obama might be intelligent, but after eight years of The Yuck-Yuck Cowboy Show, we're gonna need a fucking GENIUS to sort this bullshit out.
Yes, Iran ignores UN resolutions and lies through their teeth to the European negotiators. Many countries blow off the UN. Saddam Hussein did it for many years.

I've heard the rumors about counter-revolution in Iran. Those rumors have been going on for years. Nothing has happened. It's not going to happen. Not in the foreseeable future.

One thing is certain, Iran cannot be allowed to develop nuclear weapons. Obama is NOT the man that can or will stop that from happening.

In fact, Obama's naive appeasement to the current fascists that run that country will embolden the current leaders of Iran. It will both ensure that they acquire their nuclear weapons and crush whatever internal enemies and counter revolutionaries are in Iran.

The people in Iran who desire freedom need an American leader who will stand up to Mahmoud Hitler and the mullahs. Not kiss their ass and make "nicey nice" as you claim. An American president who emboldens the current leadership doesn't help them one bit.

Obama is not a smart man. He talks like a naive child when foreign policy issues are put to him. He talks the talk of appeasement to dictators and their terrorist groups like Hezbollah. That doesn't help anyone in the Middle East other than the dictators and the terrorists.