Originally posted by Hawk:

People have. There are all kinds of videos on YouTube, but none of them really show much of anything. Someone needs to do this experiment with a radio controlled jetliner on a conveyor system a-la Mythbusters.....Hopefully they'll reply to the email sent to them...
I wouldn't count on Mythbusters.

Rinky linked to a physics forum with 500 pages on this topic. Someone on one of the first pages said they emailed Mythbusters and that was over a year ago. I'm sure they have received hundreds if not thousands of emails on this topic.

The conveyor belt puts a force on the wheels, NOT the engines. The engines are completely indepentant of the conveyor. The conveyor WILL NOT provide any resistance to the engines and the engines will continue to pull the airplane forward, thus creating lift, thus allowing the plane to take off. What's so difficult about that?!?
You are correct in stating the conveyor provides no resistance to the aircraft's engines.

The conveyor is matching the speed of the plane.

Let me ask you this question.... Does a person sitting on the wing of that plane feel the wind? If the conveyor is moving 200MPH in one direction and the plane's engines are throttled down and it's instruments say it is traveling at 200MPH in the other direction -- does a person sitting on the wing of that plane feel that wind?