Originally posted by Auditor_Kevin:
Originally posted by Paul H:
[b]It is funny as hell when the 8 year olds start running their mouths. I usually just sit and listen to the other destroy them. I do get annoyed when they all are friends and get into a room and you just happen to be on their team and they freakin yell yell yell.

STFU please.
See - this is the advantage of a $400/$500 system like the PS3. WAY less kids playing multiplayer.[/b]
See, that's where I disagree....It's much easier for some little brat to whine that he wants a PS3 or 360 that costs around $400 to play the game instead of a PC that will cost well over $1000 to play it with enough power to run the graphics at full wink For a parent, $400 is MUCH easier to stomach than $1000. I know more kids that play consoles and more adults that play it on the PC.