Firstoff, welcome, I see this is your first post.

Installing a lift isn't hard, but experience is a real helper here. Additionally, do you have the tools necessary for such an operation? If you feel it might be too much for you, it very well could be.

What I'd suggest is to make friends with some local Xterra or other 4x4 owners in your area and get a feel for if any of them would be interested in helping you out. If they have done this kind of work, it would serve as a bit of an apprenticeship for you. Make sure you keep the person who is doing the work well supplied with food and their beverage of choice.

2001 Nissan XTerra XE 40k
1984 Honda CRX 1.5 83k
1970 Land Rover IIa 88" 41k
1966 Land Rover IIa 109" 35k