along with stubhub, tickets now and most on line broker sites are nothing more than a hub for which every broker who is a paying member of that site is able to upload his tickets and when they are sold the host makes money because they have marked up the tickets a certain percentage.

90% of the time, when you are buying online from a random site, you are paying more than you would have had you just picked up the phone and purchsed the tickets through a local brick and mortar broker. The guy in LA will have the best price on Dodger tickets and the guy in Arizona will have the best price on Suns tickets.

For national events is a little different because certain people have different connections through different sources and organizations.

I've paid $40,000 for 10 Superbowl tickets from a complete stranger. I've paid $15,000 for a 20 person suite to the MLB all star game in Boston. I had a guy buy a pair of courtside Lakers tickets from me for a game 6 Finals for $20,000 a ticket.

Fans will do crazy things.
If we do not succeed, then we run the risk of failure. - Vice President James Danforth "Dan" Quayle