Sorry about my wonky phrasing, but thank you VERY much for your elaborate explanation.

You confirmed that I was in fact properly understanding how the torsion bars function.

To reiterate what I was trying to explain, I ended up "re-indexing" my torsion bar before i'd even done research online and knew the term existed. It just seemed like the logical thing to do.

I re-indexed the bar via the anchor on the LCA, rather than the anchor on the mid-cross member as was explained in the post i linked. Also in that post on the pathfinder forum, he completely removed the bar from the rear anchor. I didn't want to have to do this as i'm pretty sure the bar is rust welded into the rear anchor (it was super stuck in the front one).

Anyways, I re-indexed the bar, but didn't apply any torsion to it (eg, screwing the anchor up towards the top of the car). As a matter of fact, before your thorough explanation and excellent pictures, I wasn't 100% sure which way to adjust the anchor for proper torsion.

Thanks again!