Added one to my '03 several years ago. Glad I did because I was backing into things I couldn't see (my daughter's car being one of them - twice! Luckily no real damage either time.).

Don't have pics, but I mounted the monitor (7"!) on two aluminum rails I added from the little cargo net thing and the compass housing. It hangs upside down, but there is a button to run the image right side up again. I also mounted it with a clamp in the joint so I can swing it up against the ceiling when my wife drives the X - she doesn't like it and wants to use the rearview mirror instead.

The camera is at the license plate and the transmitter (it's a wireless system) is mounted inside on the Sgt Lobo rack. All in all, it works really well. If I had any complaints, I'd say that I'd like a higher place to mount the camera that would work for me. But, the system works very well.

I have it wired with two switches. One for the monitor, the other is a DTDP with off in the center. Up, and the camera is always on. Down and it will come on automatically when I go into reverse. There are some legal issues with having backup cameras and where you can put the monitor so if you're concerned there, check your local laws.

If I recall correctly, it was make by Peak and I paid $70 for the whole system. Well, plus time, switches and wiring.

Need more? Let me know.

Custom fuse panels for electrical mods
Custom backup solution mod (lights/camera/monitor)
Custom switched power outlets (8+ total)
Lots-o-Lights (6 driving lights, 10 total)

Original registration - Sep, '03
Pre-crash post count - ~1100