Just an add-on to the discussion. Just so you know, I don't give a crap what you do to your own truck. I'm not paying for it.

I have wheeled with no guard, a brushguard, and now have an ARB. I loved having the brushguard as a place to mount lights. While it actually saved my bumper from significant damage on one (my own dumb fault) occasion, it also caused damage to my fenders over the time I had it. Being mounted to the frame, the guard flexes and wobbles almost opposite to the body, causing the wrap-arounds to contact the fenders. Since my WAAG guard had rubber "stoppers" in this spot, my fender was dented and the paint rubbed off about the size of a dime. Bummer, but I still liked having the light mounting capability, and thought it looked pretty good.

Now I wheel with an ARB. I love the added approach angle, winch option (someday I'll get one), and overall beefiness of this bumper. It has also caused body damage, though. On a steep, flexy climb, I caught the corner on a rock shelf, which pushed the bumper into my fender, bending the fender up and back slightly. Nothing earth-shattering, but it's off enough that my blinker assembly doesn't seat correctly on the fender.

What's my point? I'm not even sure I have one. Maybe realize that what you do to your own truck is your business. XOC is a great source of information to help in your decision-making. Some people think they're right all the time, some people just don't care. Have fun with your truck, and make it what you want it to be.

Keep the rubber side down,