I agree. I actually bought my car from them (about three months ago) - I finally got the price I wanted after much hassle - believe it or not - I got the best price; even better than the Portsmouth dealership - but it was a pain in the ass - and my 6'8' boyfriend probably helped a little...seriously, who knows..but they pulled the crap about well, blah, blah, blah this and blah, blah, blah that - and let me speak to my sales manager, etc.

The hassle you got regarding test driving the Xterra was interesting. I never got that. The sales person took us out right away - even took us slightly off road to see how it handled, etc.

I'm still getting letters from the sales guy telling me if someone comes in with his business card and my name on the back (referral thing) he'll send me $75.

I had to take the Xterra in for a service/warranty issue (call) and they tried to tell me that they don't give loaners for such calls - yeah right.....than the sales guy who sold me the car "pulled some strings" so I could get a loaner - oh thank, thank was suppose to be my response - instead it was DAMN straight.....

Anyway, it has left a bad taste in my mouth that I bought my car there - but it was my first purchase, and let's just say I've learned the hard way.