Originally posted by xoc:

I guess I'll never understand why an Xterra club isn't an Xterra club. [Freak]
What makes you think that we are not an Xterra club, we have 200 plus users, trolls, active members in the club of which the vast majority are Xterra owners. I would say that at least 90% of our club are Xterra owners with at least another 5% being past Xterra owners who have moved on/up to rigs that are more capable or suitable for their needs. We don't discriminate, if somebody wants to join us that doesn't have an Xterra who are we to deprive them from joining us. Same reason that you allow people on the XTERRA OWNERS CLUB that have Frontiers, Jeeps, Ford F-150, WRXs and so on. The Xterra is our shared common interest. SCCX has really diversified, we now not only get together for offroading but some of us have backpacked together, gone target shooting, mtn. biked the list goes on and on, a few of us have even competed in Xterra events. Whats your definition of an Xterra club? [Finger] [Save the fine unicorns]
use the SEARCH function! Now you know... and knowing is half the battle!