At least for Hollywood it seems. I just saw that they've re-made "Haiwaii 5-0". Where does the sacreligious slaughter of the shows and movies we grew up with end? "Dragnet","Star Trek","Lost in Space"... I mean, when they butchered "Starsky and Hutch" it was bad... and when they did what they did to "Land of the Lost" I was appalled.
Is there no original thinking in entertainment anymore? How 'bout it Hollywood? Can you only see the past with your producer heads up your own overrated asses?

Sorry... just pisses me off. Down from my soap box now.

RNT Knives... Go where you want, Take what you need!

Original Registration, NOV '07
Pre-crash post count - 396

"...the Earth will continue turnning, even when justice dies." (Revy Two Hand, Black Lagoon)