Table Mountain Ranger District, WA State:

Got on a trail that hadn't been used for awhile. Ended up winching and pulling trees out of the way so we could get anywhere, lots of tight spots, and lots of off camber. Most of the trail was basically driving up the side of a mountain. Very steep, and very loose dirt and rock. At one point I winched up a section and then we removed one of my rock sliders and carried it 100 yards down the side of the hill so one of the Xterras could borrow it for his trip up. After about 8 hours of winching, pulling, and swapping parts we ended up spending the night on the side of the mountain off camber with one truck about 200 yards below stuck in a bunch of loose rock. Next day we spent about 3 hours trying to finish the last 100 yards (after finally getting the last truck up to that point), which was straight up the side of the mountain on loose rock with no trees to winch to. We gave up, turned around and it took about an hour and a half to get back to where we started the day before. When we got down, two guys were headed up on Quad Runners. While we were putting air back in our tires and stuff they came back and the guy says "I can't believe you guys went up that! My Dad rolled his quad trying to get up there and we decided to turn around!" Definately a trip to remember! I only got one picture because most of the trip was spent working or in total fear! Picture is out my right window showing the view in my mirror of the valley below. Too bad I couldn't get video or anything, because there's no way to properly describe all the work and fear involved. I'll post the picture!

Now, just two weeks ago, some of PNWX made it to Moab and had a bad day on the Golden Spike trail. One truck broke a torsion bar right after the crack and they ended up driving most of the trail in the dark with it pouring down rain while somebody walked ahead to keep them from driving off any cliffs. Two of them were the guys I went up that other trail with. They were on the trail for 15 hours. Not sorry I missed that! eek

Just a note: WHen I took this picture, I had the truck turned off, it was in 1st gear, AND I was standing on the brake to keep it from rolling down the hill! I had just crossed the hill sideways and turned left to start going up. Very scary; one more inch to my right and I probably would have been a gonner. The worst part though was that was the point where we turned around and I had to back up there and across the mountainside going backwards so the other guys could come down.
"Every morning when I wake up I know it's not going to get any better 'til I go back to sleep again!" Al Bundy