Originally posted by Kafka213:
Ok, ok, sheesh, I didn't think it was that big of a deal. I was just trying to see if I could do it myself. I didn't mean to cause such a problem. I understand that Skid Row is a company that many people on here like, and many know the owner, but I have access to steel working machinery and I thought I could save $300 by doing myself.

Anyway, how is that different from making your own skid plate blender? I mean, I would be happy to buy it from skid row, but I live in MO. I am not inclined to drive to PA to get plates, or ship them and pay that as well, when I have a steel company that I could get to do it for free. No different than anyone else would do if they had the means. Plenty of people have made their own parts on here, even when there was a company that was supporting the Xterra aftermarket market.

Besides I am not going to get them now, probably not until mid-summer. So maybe then I will feel like putting up three hundred+ dollars for steel that I have sitting around in the factory.

[This message has been edited by Kafka213 (edited 03-03-2001).]

After just completing the installation....my suggestion is to purchase the last section from skid row (I think they call it the transfer case plate) at the bare minimum. That is the most complex of the three with bends and attachment points etc. The others are a little more simple in design.
