Well, weather.com forecasts as of now as following:

"Mostly Sunny" @ 20% in Sacramento,
"Partly Cloudy" @ 20% in Sonora,
"Partly Cloudy" @ 20% in Strawberry, and
"Few Showers" @ 30% in Pinecrest.

Strawberry and Pinecrest are about half a mile apart, and Pinecrest is about 500 ft. higher in elevation.

If it's truely "few showers," I think we'll be still okay. That would probably get the ground little moistened...less dust for us.

If it changes to higher percentage in Strawberry and Pinecrest, we'll have to cancel this trip. If it rains in those area, it could be snowing at the Eagle Peak @ 9,370 ft. [Uh Oh !]

Keep your fingers crossed, and keep watching weather channel. laugh
Who's missing? And, where about?